General Terms & Condition
Other Terms & Conditions are as shown below:
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of UAE.
United Arab of Emirates is our country of domicile.
Minors under the age of 18 years are prohibited to register as a User of this website and are not allowed to transact or use the website.
If you make a payment for our products or services on our website, the details you are asked to submit will be provided directly to our payment provider via a secured connection.
The cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and Merchant policies and rules.
We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in AED Currency
“Creative Bites LLC” maintains the http://www.creativebites.info Website ("Site").
The displayed price and currency at the checkout page will be the same price and currency printed on the Transaction Receipt and the amount charged to the card will be shown in your card currency”.
Any complaints about any participant or other matters should be sent through e-mail only to the e-mail address stated on the website.’
Any digital public platform created by Creative Bites for its participant (E.g. Facebook group, Whatsapp group etc), should be used for the sole purpose of discussing any technical topic related to course/program. Any other query related to the program should be communicated strictly through e-mail only. All the participants are expected to maintain decency and respectful dialogues without hurting the sentiments of other participants and group members.’ Participants are expected to become part of such groups as many of the ongoing intimations and changes in the schedule shall be given over such groups. Any information communicated on such group shall be deemed to have been conveyed to all the participants. All the students and their parents (in case of minors) agree and understand that Creative Bites is the administrator of such digital platform and admission and removal of any student from such digital platform is completely at the discretion of Creative Bites.
All the terms & conditions, policies & disclaimers, product pricing & delivery policies are applicable to all the participants who are registering /enrolling for the courses /workshops conducted by CreativeBites
Creative Bites or its Website will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE”.
User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his account.
All the presentations displayed during the workshop may have copyrighted materials/photographs and these are just to present the examples of various photography or film making techniques and not to be used commercially. The presentations with any such copyrighted material shall not be given in print or soft copy format to any students. Any other presentation without copyrighted material can be supplied to the students in the print form only. The student shall be obliged not to share such presentations with any third party and use it for learning purposes and should not utilize the same for any commercial purpose.
All the workshops and sessions have been designed for the group of students and shall not be customized to the requirement of anyone single student.
If the students have availed any instalment plan offered by Creative Bites, by enrolling to the course, the student has committed to the full payment of the course fee. As we have limited seats, by giving the first instalment the seat is reserved for the student, and hence not been given to any other student. Thereby the student has the obligation to make the full payment of instalment as agreed at the time of enrollment.
In case the student, for any reason leave the course prior to the completion, the student shall still be liable to complete the payment of instalment as by enrolling to the course, the student commits to the payment of the whole fee. As we have limited seats for each batch we have no refund policy.
In case the student fails to make the payment of instalment within 5 days from the due date, Creative Bites shall be charging a penalty of AED 50 dirhams per day, starting from instalment date as notified and agreed earlier.
All the student availing the Installment scheme understands that Creative Bites has to incur a different cost (e.g. marketing, sales space rental etc.) corresponding to each student in advance, hence non-payment of dues on time also affect overall functioning and finances of Creative Bites.
The student understands that in case the dues are not paid in time Creative Bites shall proceed to file a legal case and shall take strict punitive action in the court of law in UAE against the student and all the charges and indirect expenses incurred towards the legal case along with outstanding dues and accumulated per day penalty shall be required to be paid by the student.
All the students understand that the payment of instalment has to be made on the dates as worked out and agreed at the time of enrollment even in the case where for any reason the student cannot continue and wish to join the next batch of the course or for any logistical or administrative issues the course has been postponed or shifted forward.
In case the student clearly gives any verbal or written indication that he or she will not make the payment of future instalments, all the dues and future instalment shall become immediately payable and Creative Bites shall have the right to recover them as they deem fit.
It is at the sole discretion of Creative Bites if it accommodates and foregoes penalty for delays in payment by the student for any reasonable delays.
If any of the students have agreed to voluntarily participate as an actor, production assistant or model for photoshoots for any of the other Creative Bites course/(s), it is for the benefits of such student. No fees or charges shall be paid to such student for such participation unless otherwise agreed. The student volunteering for it shall have no rights over the final product (movie, scenes, photoshoots etc.). All the rules applicable to that particular course will also be applicable to this student who is acting as a volunteer. Any of the product (movie, film or photoshoots) produced out of such courses where the student has volunteered as an actor, model, or production assistant, shall be shared with the student in full or in part as per the discretion of the management (e.g. for photoshoots, only handful of shortlisted photos selected by Creative Bites team will be shared with the student volunteering as an actor )
Certification for the courses shall be issued to only those participants who have successfully learnt all the key concepts and techniques taught during the program and have been able to practically apply the same during the practical sessions held during the course. Coach shall need to assess and sign off the progress report of each student in this regard.
The participants shall also be assessed on account of his or her involvement, passion, attendance, teamwork, creativity, and discipline during the whole program before issuing the certificates. If the participant fails to adhere to the requirement as stated below, or do not showcase required improvement during the overall course as expected, Creative Bites shall not issue any certification for the related course. The eligibility of certification shall be determined as follows:
Minimum 75% of attendance
Demonstration by the student of all the key concepts taught during the session
Completion & submission of final projects
For acting courses the student individually & with group perform scenes in front of camera, demonstrating the ability to apply all the key acting techniques taught during the session.
For filmmaking course, the student individually or as a group, shall be required to write, shoot and edit the 2-3 minute short film and submit the same for assessment by the management of Creative Bites within 2-4 weeks.
For Public Speaking course, student shall be required to prepare and deliver a talk in front of audience applying all the key concepts of public speaking taught and practiced during the course.
In certain exceptional circumstances the management shall issue certificate to students not fully meeting the above criteria based on valid justifications.
In case of discontinuation of any course due to any reason, the student shall be offered next closely similar certified course in the same field for the same or longer tenure.
All the students and participants enrolling to the course understands and agree that the Creative Bites may be required to delay the starting of the course due to any logistical, administrative or other reasons. The management of Creative Bites in such scenario will determine and inform the students of the new date for the starting the concerned course. All the other rights, responsibilities & obligations of Creative Bites as stated hereunder shall remain unaffected due to any such stated delay.
All the students and participants enrolling to the course understands and agree, that as our courses are training students to be part of feature films, it may involve shooting or rehearsing scenes which are action oriented, horror or romantic in nature and the workshop or scenes rehearsed or performed will not be amended to meet any personal guidelines of an individual.
Any special request from the students or their parents, which is in deviation to the standard terms & conditions, policies & procedures as stated on the website, will have to go for the special review procedure. Such a review may take anywhere between 10-20 working days or more depending on the case. Student can feel free to follow up with our sales and support team in the meantime.
The Creative Bites has a policy of issuing only digitized Certificates. Each e-certificate shall have a unique CBACT number which students can refer in their ongoing correspondences with Creative Bites. Upon the request of any production house, university or any other organization, Creative Bites acknowledges the official validity of such certificate.
After completion of the course, any query, changes in certificate, scheduling of missed session or any other request related to the course attended should be submitted to Creative Bites Academy within 90 days of course completion (last day of the session). The files of the student shall be closed thereafter and no request shall be attended after expiry of the stated 90 days (except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the management of Creative Bites Academy)
Incase the Creative Bites for any reason believe that any of our course is not suitable for you, Creative Bites at its own discretion can cancel or delay the enrolment of the student without any prior notice.
Any project made during the course (e.g. short film, show reel etc.) shall include the name (in opening or end credits) of only those students / participants who has contributed to the whole project as required. In case the student only partially contributed or remained absent during the process of producing the stated project, his or her name shall not be incorporated in the opening or end credit (unless approved by the coach of the course)
In any event, if management decides to refund a partial fee paid by the student (at its discretion) in exceptional circumstances, management shall deduct the proportionate fee for the number of sessions attended by the student & Admin / refund processing fee and any other cost as it may apply from case to case basis.
Terms and Conditions for Short Film Program
1. This program is a group activity, its crucial for each participant to attend every single session as per the given schedule or revised schedule to perform as a team. In the event a participant is absent from the program for more than 6 hours, the participant can no longer continue the program as it will make it difficult for him or her to cope up with the program & performance requirement. Creative Bites has right to replace such participant with other experienced actor to ensure on time successful completion of the program without any impact on other group members and overall schedule. Creative Bites will offer another short film to the cancelled participant in the next program at its discretion based on availability. As highlighted its a group program, if any member / members of the group shows lack of interest, or is non responsive, frequent late comer, or showing lack of commitment, or has lack of interest in the process or frequently creating date issues sighting personal or professional reasons, or creating disharmony in the group, Creative Bites shall have right to replace such member from the group in the interest of all other passionate team members.
2. The short films produced during this program is to hone the acting talent of the actors. The movie shall also be uploaded on the YouTube Channel. The Short Film shall remain the property of Creative Bites. By enrolling in this short film course, students agree with all the terms and conditions. As each short film is for training purpose as well as for students to showcase their talent to casting agencies and public at large, all the the participant in the short film program agrees no to object to any screening and public display of the short film on any platform. As this is mainly a Acting Training Course, Creative Bites hold the right not release or showcase the film to public or festivals if the performance of the actors are not satisfactory. Creative Bites expects the short movie to generate as much as 20,000 or more views, but its not guaranteed. Participating in the film festivals is a complementary and completely at the discretion of director and producer of the movie. The participants are merely an actors in the film and has no other right to represent themselves as owners or in any other capacity.
3. Enough exposure & face time shall be granted to each participant during the final movie. Participants understand that huge cost & collective efforts are being invested to produce the short film, and any cancellation, willful neglect, disobedience, absence, creation of uncertainty, irresponsible behavior towards the program may lead to disruption of the whole movie shoot, affecting all the other participant and movie production as a whole. Creative Bites may have to incur additional cost due to such cancellation or disruption of the shoot by one participant. Creative Bites reserve the right to claim back all such additional cost (direct or indirect) from the participant causing the same.
4. The short film making is a group effort. If any actor creates a situation of uncertainty or non cooperation or uncalled for interference of any sort, creative bites reserve the right to remove such actor from the short film group, in the interest of the whole group. Such uncertainty pose the threat that such actor may or may not turn up for the shoot or create issues during the shoot of the movie, leading to cancellation of shoot and financial losses to creative bites, hence such removal is justified in such scenario. No refund or substituting sessions shall be offered to such participant.
5. As short film is a creatively challenging process, post shooting of the movie the final editing and post production can take anywhere between 2-4 month or more depending on the performances and complexities in post production.
6. Participants understand that the key purpose of the short film program is to undergo the whole film production process as an actor, hence every participant is expected to accept the role offered in the short film. The director tries to give enough exposure to each participant in the movie with respect to character, face time and variety of emotions to explore. No role, character or scene shall be customized for any participant.
7. Participants understand and agree that each short film shall accommodate 5-6 or more actor as required by the story.
8. The first three days (9 sessions of 2 hours each) will be to learn different basic techniques of Film Acting. Writer or director may need 1-2 weeks after these sessions to finalize the story & script based on personalities & acting caliber for the participants. The last three days (9 sessions of 2 hours each), shall be for rehearsals.
9. Post rehearsals Creative Bites may need few weeks to finalize the shooting location. Shooting shall be for minimum two or more days, 12 hours each day.
10. Participant understand and agree that the Director hold the right to replace any actor who has remained absent for the rehearsal sessions for more than 3 session (of 2 hours each) or creating disharmony, interfering directly or indirectly in the film making process or for non cooperation or creating uncertainty of any sort affecting the shoot of the movie.
11. The parents of the minors under the age of 18, by enrolling their kid to this program understand, agree and are responsible to comply with all the terms & conditions, and Policies & Disclaimer as stated here under.
12. Participants understand that as this is a creative process and making a short film is a gigantic task, the overall course could last much longer than earlier anticipated.